What We Do
• Introduce executive leadership to the method and business case for managing operations risk through focus on ‘what must go right.’
• Mentor/Coach key personnel on integration of Human and Organizational Performance practices into company governance and operating policies/practices.
• Advise leadership in the field, proactively learning from and leveraging success to advance corporate reliability and resilience, while addressing challenges and failure.
• Assess the efficacy of operations risk management.
Introducing: Jim Marinus
Jim Marinus, Founder and Principal

Key to a successful business is knowing what must go right and then ensuring that it does. I help clients ensure success by better understanding what is working for you now, protecting and expanding these strengths and then leveraging them to address what is not OK in your approach - the essence of high reliability and resilience. I share straightforward methods with you and your organization to tailor worker-centric processes for managing risk, better enabling your workforce competence to ensure that what must go right, does. I bring decades of insight gained from leading operations and support, including research (energy/environment, national security, nuclear power) engineering, precision machining, ES&H, training, nuclear operations, and maintenance.
Get to know: Jim and Debbie Marinus

Your workforce operates within an institutional culture. Reliability and Resilience Thinking helps you create a Healthy Culture.
Operational Leadership principles create the environment for adopting a set of shared values and beliefs designed to influence a Healthy Culture. These beliefs and values are based on the application of Human and Organizational Performance principles.